Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Blogging experience

Today I’m going to talk about my blogging experience, but the true about this is very sad.
When I started blogging I felt very good, because I expressed things about my life, and I showed it to the entire world. Other important thing about blogging is that the English class becomes in something very funny and dynamic because the blog themes are always changing.  I thought all the week about post something.
But as the time passed, I started to feel a little sad, because I saw my blog visits and there were just a few persons that really watched my blog, and only two persons commented one of my entries. That situation broke my heart and I decided to stop blogging, and I don’t care about the mark in the English class.

Well with this entry, I say good bye to the few visitors of my blog, and I wish you a good end of the year. 

Good Luck.